Why Wicker Park and the 1st Ward Are Home

Why Wicker Park and the 1st Ward Are Home
Me and my teens at Water Tower

‘A recap on how my family, for generations, have called this Chicago neighborhood and community a home’

I am the daughter of Mexican immigrants and grew up in a proud union family.  My father was an IBEW union employee who worked nights, weekends, and holidays while my mother clipped every coupon, cooked every meal, and packed every lunch for our family of six.  I learned the dignity of work and how to live a rich life while being frugal.  

Celebrating Dad's birthday in my family home

After college, I moved to Wicker Park, the same neighborhood where my dad lived when he first immigrated to Chicago in the 60’s. In fact, my parents were married at St. Mark’s Church in Ukranian Village!  This church was part of the 1st Ward until just recently.

I've raised my family in Wicker Park. My kids attended schools in the neighborhood (Near North Montessori, Pritzker and St. Mary of the Angels). We played in many of the beautiful parks in the area and marveled at the beautiful historic homes on our long walks. The highlight of our discoveries was shopping and dining in many of the local businesses that make our ward so vibrant and unique. 

My deep connection to this community extends with my local business ownership, from the Alliance Bakery to the Wicker Park Inn.  At the Alliance Bakery, we had regular customers who would come in for coffee and buy treats for their families.  And at the Wicker Park Inn, I’ve welcomed countless guests to the neighborhood, offering recommendations for local hot spots and hidden gems. It warms my heart when guests are here to visit family and best of all, to welcome a new grandchild.  

As your 1st Ward Democratic Committeeperson, I am committed to putting our residents first.  My steadfast commitment to the 1st Ward is rooted in building strong communities and supporting families. Community is family. 

me and my pumpkins